
Legal drafting software and solutions 

Draft, prepare, and access documents quickly with solutions that help streamline your workflow

Draft with confidence

Thomson Reuters helps you avoid errors, ensure deadlines are met, and move through the drafting process with ease and assurance.

Speed up legal drafting and mitigate risk

Drafting Assistant for transaction and litigation documents helps you:

  • Reduce errors and save time with integrated drafting, review, and analysis tools, model documents and automated templates, and document benchmarking
  • Prepare and format documents for court in moments, easily cite to leading authority, and reduce citation and copy errors with this all-in-one tool

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Streamline judicial workflow

Thomson Reuters Judicial Chambers is a unique, off-the-record software solution that enables judges and staff to:

  • Manage workflow and day-to-day judicial tasks across your chambers team from a single online dashboard
  • Store and access exemplar documents, enabling law clerks to quickly learn a judge’s style and share templates across chambers staff
  • Draft, research, and review documents; hold conferences; prepare for court; and review cases, statistics, and reports — all from a single interface

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Discover more about our drafting software, service, and guidance solutions