Thomson Reuters Address Verify
Gain access to actionable data to protect program efficiency
Most state and local government agencies experience inefficiencies with address resolution for their programs, which can result in billions of returned mail costs. In addition to the financial burden, returned mail can increase exposure to fraud or identity theft, disrupt benefit distribution, increase labor costs, and erode public trust. As local budgets tighten and infrastructural requirements mount, agencies need to maintain strong data hygiene standards.
With Address Verify, you are able to:
Batch Services from Thomson Reuters CLEAR lets you accurately search millions of persons or businesses – all at one time

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Overcome the challenges of outdated research tools, boost the quality of your data, and streamline your workflow with Address Verify.
Thomson Reuters is not a consumer reporting agency and none of its services or the data contained therein constitute a ‘consumer report’ as such term is defined in the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. sec. 1681 et seq. The data provided to you may not be used as a factor in consumer debt collection decisioning, establishing a consumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing, or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. By accessing one of our services, you agree not to use the service or data for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.