AI legal assistant

Transform how legal work gets done with CoCounsel

Take your research to the next level and complete time-consuming tasks in a fraction of the time with CoCounsel, the legal industry’s most robust suite of generative AI tools, including AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision, Ask Practical Law AI on Practical Law, and CoCounsel Core. Grounded in the most trusted legal content, CoCounsel will help you deliver your best work faster.

Jumpstart your legal research

With AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision, simply ask a question in everyday language and get a relevant answer in moments, grounded in Westlaw’s industry-leading legal content. Verify the results using links to trusted Westlaw authority, including critical cases, statutes, and regulations, so you can make better-informed decisions and complete the remainder of your research more efficiently.

Get quick answers to your “how do I” legal questions

Move from question to work product faster with Ask Practical Law AI on Practical Law. Generate answers grounded in Practical Law’s collection of how-to guides, templates, checklists, and more, expertly created and maintained by over 650 attorney-editors.

Complete everyday work faster and smarter

With CoCounsel Core, you can complete time-intensive tasks and sophisticated document analysis with superhuman speed and accuracy — allowing you to serve your clients better. Whether you want to automate contract review, simplify and summarize complex legal documents, draft correspondence, prepare for depositions, review thousands of documents, or search databases, CoCounsel Core can help.


Request your free demo today

Experience the generative AI capabilities of CoCounsel for yourself, including AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision, Ask Practical Law AI on Practical Law, and CoCounsel Core

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