Practical Law Checklist

Address the complexities of employment law issues

Understand the legal obligations and risks for startups, entrepreneurs, and growing businesses. Get started quickly with this checklist.

Provide the expert legal guidance your business clients need

Startups and growing businesses may be more focused on finances, but attorneys know, employment law compliance is just as critical to their health and development. Help your growing clients succeed by guiding them through key labor and employment requirements.

This resource helps you easily explain employment legal obligations and risks to your clients. It eliminates hours of research and ensures that your client has considered all the relevant issues – creating an attorney/client relationship for years to come.

Get access to this checklist today in Practical Law. Complete the form on the right for a free trial.

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Think bigger 

Practical Law resources are supported and regularly updated by more than 280 attorney-editors. It’s easy to understand the employment issues your clients face when you have access to up-to-date tools such as:

  • Thousands of assets related to labor and employment law
  • 20 informative Practice Notes specifically related to your task, like Employee Handbooks: Best Practices
  • Standard documents and clauses, expertly written to speed up your legal drafting process and give you the peace of mind that your work is rock-solid
  • 12 useful toolkits to show you the path and get you started quickly with all the necessary steps to serve your clients, such as Startup Company Toolkit

Having the right tools and resources is a big part of the equation to your daily challenges. With Practical Law, you have, at your fingertips, thousands of maintained relevant resources you can trust to deliver your best work in less time and with less effort. Complete the form below for a free trial of Practical Law today.

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