legal research
Westlaw Edge
Research faster and with greater confidence
Take all you know about Westlaw — including industry-leading legal content, unmatched editorial enhancements, and world-renowned research support — and add to it more than 100 years of legal industry knowledge, plus the expertise of over 500 expert attorney-editors. Now, combine that with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. What do you get?
The result is Westlaw Edge — and its many tools that allow attorneys to complete legal research faster and with greater confidence.
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Get Westlaw Edge and don't hesitate. It is absolutely worth it. It'll make you a better attorney. It'll make your firm better. And you'll serve your clients better than you have before.

Expedite your most complex legal research tasks with Westlaw Edge.
Be more confident. Be more strategic. Be more responsive.
Westlaw Edge provides attorneys with fast answers and valuable insights using advanced legal search, intelligent document analysis, integrated litigation analytics, and the most powerful citator — all of which is powered by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence built upon more than 100 years of editorial enhancements.
- WestSearch Plus: Quickly address questions for thousands of legal topics and get better predictive research suggestions as you start to type in the global search box.
- Quick Check: Upload your brief to find highly relevant authority that traditional research may have missed.
- Litigation Analytics: Gain data-driven insights on judges, courts, attorneys, law firms, and case types to build the strongest case strategy and better manage client expectations.
- KeyCite Overruling Risk: Trust you are citing good law with an advanced citator that warns you when a point of law in a case has been implicitly undermined.
- Statutes Compare and Regulations Compare: Quickly compare any two statutes or regulations to understand how they have changed over time.
Want to see first-hand how these and other Westlaw Edge features can save your firm time and make you more efficient? Sign up for the free trial below. And once you see what Westlaw Edge has to offer, you can customize a plan that fits your needs — and your budget. Find a plan as unique as your firm.
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