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Sample settlement agreement documents on Practical Law
Settlement Tactics in US Litigation
A Note explaining the principal factors that can help counsel decide whether, when, and how to settle litigation proceedings.
Complex US Mediation: Key Issues and Considerations
A standard form to be used as a starting point for drafting an opinion to a reporting or non-reporting issuer’s transfer agent in connection with a sale of restricted stock
Product Liability Litigation: Trial and Settlement
A Practice Note analyzing the key issues for companies to consider when trying or settling product liability cases. Specifically, this Note outlines how to effectively convey the company's story at trial, the possible preclusive effect of a product liability judgment on future litigation, and strategic issues to consider when settling a product liability lawsuit.
Settling Class Actions: Process and Procedure
A Practice Note examining the process and key issues to consider in settling a class action, including the rules governing class action settlements, pre-certification, and post-certification settlements, the settlement approval process, filing the proposed settlement agreement, objections to the settlement, cy pres provisions, and the distribution of settlement funds.
Settlement Agreement Drafting Issues Checklist
A Checklist of some of the key issues to consider when entering into a settlement agreement.
Settlement Agreement and Release
A sample agreement between two or more parties settling a pending lawsuit and releasing future claims.
Mediation: US Privilege and Work Product Issues
A Practice Note explaining the complex mediation process, including the interplay between complex mediation and litigation, strategic considerations, how mediation may come about, the rules governing mediation, confidentiality concerns, selecting the right mediator, and the main components of the in-person mediation session.
Class Action Settlement Agreement
A sample class action settlement agreement counsel can use when drafting the settlement agreement or memorandum of understanding after settling the claims of the plaintiff class in a class action filed in federal court.
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