
Litigation Analytics for Companies

For data-driven litigators and business development professionals

A more efficient way to gather company insights


Whether you are identifying new business opportunities or building your litigation strategy, you need fast, reliable information. Litigation Analytics for Companies on Westlaw makes it simple to quickly conduct thorough company research to get a complete picture of your current client’s litigation matters, identify potential new clients in your area of expertise, and compare your track record to that of a current or potential client’s current representation.

With comprehensive insight into a company's litigation tendencies, as well as which firms typically represent them, you can build data-driven strategies to win more cases for clients, and business for your firm.

Benefits of Litigation Analytics for Companies

Informed litigation strategy

Gain a clear picture of a company’s litigation practice and past outcomes

New client discovery

See which companies have litigation in your practice areas and geographies

Evidence-based pitches

Demonstrate a superior track-record representing similarly situated companies

Actionable competitive intelligence

Anticipate your opponent’s potential tactics and tailor your strategy accordingly

Request a free demo of Litigation Analytics for Companies on Westlaw

Available as an add-on purchase with a subscription to Westlaw Precision or Westlaw Edge.

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