Westlaw Precision: the fastest way to find what you need

The latest evolution in legal research
Unparalleled capabilities deliver advanced speed and accuracy, providing you with greater confidence in your research.

Pinpoint what matters most with Precision Research
Find legally and factually similar cases with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Run a search that gathers all the potentially relevant cases, then filter your results by legal issue, fact pattern, motion type, outcome, and more.

KeyCite Cited With
Find connections between cases that would traditionally be difficult to uncover. KeyCite Cited With allows you to quickly identify related cases that have a pattern of being cited together, even if neither cites the other.

Outline Builder
Quickly and easily build outlines without needing to leave Westlaw Precision. Open Outline Builder side-by-side with a document while researching, then drag and drop important text or citations directly into your outline.

KeyCite Overruled in Part
Identify the specific point of law in a case that has been invalidated so that other valid points of law aren’t missed. Look for a red-striped flag to indicate that a case has been overruled in part.
Graphical View of History
Save significant time retracing your steps with the ability to see a graphical view of your research flow.
Quick Check
Upload a document – yours or an opponent’s – to view a report with recommendations for additional relevant authority, warnings for cited authority and an analysis of case quotations.
Litigation Analytics
View relevant data-driven insights on judges, courts, attorneys, law firms, and case types so you can better manage client expectations and build the strongest case strategy.
Elevate your research to a new level
“Precision Research is leaps and bounds ahead of anything else I’ve used in terms of identifying on-point caselaw.”
Experience the newest version of Westlaw for yourself
Westlaw Precision is designed to help you find what you need faster than ever before. Powered by trusted content, exclusive editorial enhancements, and cutting-edge technology, discover a more efficient way to conduct research and find on-point cases with Westlaw Precision.