Westlaw Precision

AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision

Bring the power of generative AI to your legal department

Confidently guide your business using AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision


Powered by trusted content, exclusive editorial enhancements, and state-of-the-art technology, Westlaw Precision enables you to research over twice as fast without sacrificing confidence in your results.

Now, with AI-Assisted Research, you can ask a legal question in everyday language, and it will search Westlaw’s trusted database of proven, reliable content and return a summarized response with links to trusted supporting authority. Get quality responses so you can make informed decisions about how and when to engage with outside counsel.

Manage costs

With the constant pressure to manage costs and deliver more value to the business in a rapidly changing environment, corporate legal departments must harness the power of technology to do more with less.

Generate more value

With generative AI legal solutions from Thomson Reuters, general counsel can generate more for their legal departments. Be faster, deliver answers with greater confidence, and drive efficiencies in your legal department with generative AI-enabled legal tools.

CoCounsel Core

Transform your legal team’s productivity with CoCounsel Core’s generative AI-powered capabilities.

 In addition to AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision, CoCounsel Core offers additional skills that transform how legal departments manage a broad range of legal tasks so you can accomplish more in less time.

Search and review documents

Ask a question about your documents — including transcripts and contracts — and CoCounsel Core provides an answer with citations.

Summarize complex documents

Condense critical information from any document with CoCounsel Core, including complicated agreements and contracts.

Quickly assess contract risk

CoCounsel Core captures every clause in a contract set that doesn’t comply with policies, reports the risks, and recommends revisions.

Draft correspondence

CoCounsel Core streamlines communications and saves valuable time by rapidly creating customized letters and emails.

Thomson Reuters: A legacy of AI innovation

Thomson Reuters has a long heritage of infusing legal expertise and technology into our solutions. We have utilized artificial intelligence for over two decades. These new generative AI offerings are just the most recent in a long list of industry-leading AI enhancements. 

  • Westlaw is Natural (WIN) becomes the first commercially available search engine with probabilistic rank retrieval.

  • ResultsPlus, which uses AI to understand what researchers are looking for to serve up additional relevant materials, goes live in Westlaw.

  • WestlawNext becomes the new standard for legal research by leveraging a wide array of AI capabilities.

  • Westlaw Edge launches with innovative AI for advanced legal research and analytics.

  • Quick Check goes live in Westlaw Edge, allowing users to quickly analyze briefs and motions for potential weaknesses using AI.

  • Legal Tracker is introduced, which is an AI-supported invoice review process augmentation tool. 

  • Practical Law Dynamic Search, a free-form answer tool, is released.

  • Westlaw Precision, the most advanced legal research platform, is released.

  • Generative AI comes to Westlaw Precision and CoCounsel Core is released.

  • Ask Practical Law AI is here! This generative AI experience helps research go from questions to work product faster.

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