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Sample confidentiality agreements documents on Practical Law
Confidentiality Agreement (General, Mutual)
A standard form of mutual confidentiality agreement, also known as a nondisclosure agreement or NDA, to be used in connection with commercial transactions
Confidentiality Agreement: General (Unilateral, Pro-Discloser)
A short-form unilateral confidentiality agreement for general use in connection with commercial transactions, drafted with terms favorable to the party disclosing confidential information
Confidentiality Agreement: General (Unilateral, Pro-Recipient)
A standard form unilateral confidentiality agreement for general use in connection with commercial transactions, drafted in favor of the recipient of confidential information
General Contract Clauses: Confidentiality (Short Form)
Standard Clause setting out the confidentiality obligations of a party in a sale of goods or services transaction
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements Toolkit
Resources for protecting company and third-party confidential business information, including forms of confidentiality agreements
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements Checklist
A Checklist covering practical considerations and issues involved in overall protection of a company's confidential information, and in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating confidentiality agreements
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements, Practice Note
This Practice Note discusses overall protection of a company's confidential information and the use of confidentiality agreements
Confidentiality Agreements: Mergers and Acquisitions
A discussion about confidentiality agreements for mergers and acquisitions and their principal provisions
Confidentiality Agreement: Non-Solicitation Clause
A standard restrictive covenant for use in a confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement (NDA) between parties to a potential commercial transaction covering non-solicitation
Confidentiality and Non-Circumvention Agreement
A confidentiality (or nondisclosure) and non-circumvention agreement to be used by a party that wants to both prevent a counterparty's misuse of its confidential information and prevent the counterparty from working directly with the disclosing party's business contacts
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