Ask Practical Law AI

Practical Law now has generative AI

With Ask Practical Law AI on Practical Law, simply ask a question in everyday language and get a summarized answer grounded in content expertly written and maintained by 650+ attorney-editors

Get quick, expert answers to your ‘how do I’ legal questions

Your best work delivered quicker

Produce quality work in less time using Ask Practical Law AI on Practical Law — generative AI providing answers from best-in-class content.

Learning on the fast track

Familiarize yourself with new matters quickly with access to more than 90,000 resources, including templates, checklists, and how-to guides.

Distraction-free drafting process

Deliver relevant language for your agreements from trusted sources without having to leave Microsoft Word with Practical Law Clause Finder.

Expert guidance you can trust

Familiarize yourself with new matters quickly with access to more than 90,000 resources, including templates, checklists, and how-to guides.


An entire law firm at your fingertips

With Practical Law, you will spend less time searching for templates, drafting documents, or delving into unfamiliar practice areas with easy-to-use resources and how-to content created and maintained by a team of 650+ experienced attorneys. Practical Law helps you quickly understand what’s important, why it’s important, and how you should proceed.

Practical Law enables us to respond to our clients quickly and effectively, delivering increased efficiency and value.

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