Westlaw Edge
Retrieve court dockets quickly and easily
Immediately locate the docket you need, track case status, and receive alerts to newly filed cases

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Court dockets instantly at your fingertips
Westlaw’s docket search tools give you convenient access to case docket information for federal and state courts in your jurisdiction. Search by a docket's court number, parties, attorneys, or other criteria to quickly locate what you need. Court case lookups have never been easier.
Research more efficiently
Easily monitor and track the status of your cases and obtain court filings, in addition to researching an opponent’s prior trial strategies.
Rely on broad coverage
Stay on top of important case developments with comprehensive coverage and information that is as current as what is available to the courts.
Locate new clients
Receive alerts for new cases filed that fit your practice and jurisdiction, giving you a better opportunity to represent one of the parties.
Discover data-driven insights
Craft advanced strategies and better manage client expectations with access to litigation analytics on judges, courts, attorneys, and more.
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