Westlaw Edge
Introducing Quick Check Judicial
A game-changing enhancement to Quick Check
In today's rapidly changing environment, time and resources are at a premium. The ability to conduct legal research quickly and accurately is more important than ever with many courts facing an overwhelming backlog of cases.
Quick Check Judicial is designed to help. This new, easy-to-review report analyzes multiple filings from a single matter, showing you relevant cases that the parties did not cite and saving you valuable time verifying citations from all the briefs.

See cases relevant to each party's arguments that were omitted from their briefs, including cases neither party cited
Quickly review citations and quotations across multiple documents to determine if there are any issues with the authority relied upon by each party
Mitigate the risk of an opinion being subject to an appeal due to inaccuracies or omissions not caught by the court
Learn how your court can get access to Quick Check Judicial
Discover a better way to research
Powered by advanced artificial intelligence, Quick Check Judicial allows you to upload and compare up to six documents from a matter. Instantly see the cases relied on by both parties, review relevant cases that were omitted, and quickly verify citations and quotations.

From a judge’s point of view, you want to be confident that you understand each party’s position and you want to be confident that you understand the state of the law. Quick Check Judicial allows you to do that efficiently and accurately.
Are you working in a law firm?
More courts are adopting Westlaw Edge. That means judges across the country can use Quick Check Judicial to analyze and compare multiple briefs. Find out how Quick Check Judicial will impact your practice and how you can get access to the same powerful tool.
Unrivaled features set Quick Check apart

Powerful AI
Quick Check securely analyzes your uploaded document to detect the legal issues covered. It then identifies highly relevant authority that traditional research may have missed.
Intuitive integration
Fully integrated with Westlaw Edge, Quick Check allows you to quickly verify citations using KeyCite and filter out the legal documents you’ve already viewed or saved to a folder.
Quotation Analysis
View an at-a-glance report that displays the differences between case quotes in your uploaded document, and the cited case language on Westlaw Edge.
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Learn how Quick Check Judicial can enable more efficient research.