Legal research

Westlaw Correctional

Enable offenders to effectively research the law, understand their rights, or make the best arguments on their own behalf

Providing access to the law

Westlaw Correctional is an online legal research plan designed specifically for use by inmates in prisons, jails, and other correctional facilities. It satisfies federal and state requirements for inmate access to legal research materials.

What is Justice Equity?

Justice equity is the principle that all Americans should be afforded equal access to our judicial system. This includes not only access to the courts, but also access to the tools and assistance necessary for all members of our community to effectively advocate for their rights. Westlaw Correctional advances this tenet. 

At-risk and underserved communities need access to the best tools available, including law library resources on par with modern legal standards—such as machine learning, artificial-intelligence aided search engines—in order to effectively represent themselves. Westlaw Correctional delivers on all of these points. 

Inmates with access to modernized tools show a far greater record of rehabilitation and reduced recidivism.

The modern law library

  • Flexible pricing options
  • Complete security
  • Reduce staffing costs
  • Decrease need for prisoner movement
  • Less dependence on additional staff and resources
  • Available on tablets and terminals that meet our system requirements

Cutting-edge functionality

  • Global search bar
  • Faster and more effective search queries
  • Type-ahead search
  • Plain-text search
  • Attorney annotations
  • Secondary source law interpretations

Legal research is for everyone

Allow access to tools and assistance necessary to effectively advocate for offender rights

Leverage legal resources and search engines made specifically for at-risk and underserved communities

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