Easily stay informed of changes to critical accounts or your population with Alert Center on CLEAR. Enhanced alerting capabilities equip you and your team to manage batch and regular alerts efficiently.
Getting the updates you need on the most important changes or developments that impact your organization can be a problem, and managing critical alerts about such developments is an increasingly important part of any investigator’s job.
The inefficiencies with manual processes
Traditional manual methods for managing alerts have several signification problems. These methods are often:
- Time consuming
- Prone to errors
- Limit administrative access capabilities
- Result in duplicative work that wastes staff time
Alert Center allow you to:
- Avoid missing important information by having a timely alert process
- Investigate with efficiently by reducing manual search on subjects you need to stay informed on
- Reduce duplicative efforts across team members through the Collaboration and Review Status functionality
- Fine-tune your focus by prioritizing your investigative efforts based on high-risk alerts with ability to be critical alerts to your administrators’ attention quickly
- Gain a better understanding of your alert population with a holistic view of your alert lists
Reduce rework with better collaboration, a holistic view of your entire alert list, and stronger alert customization with Alert Center on CLEAR.
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