White paper

Top 10 ways to know it’s time to employ technology in your legal department

Small but growing legal departments often struggle to define exactly when it‘s time for them to invest in technology for their legal department. There can be significant time and costs associated with adopting technology, so getting the technology much too soon can waste these precious resources. However, waiting until it‘s much too late and problems have grown out of control can be infinitely more costly. Below is some practical advice for when it may be time for a legal department to invest in technology that allows its lawyers to serve their clients better, become more efficient, and save money.

If you‘re finding yourself figuring out which invoices need to be paid by which law firm is calling the most, it‘s probably time to get an e-billing system to help review, approve, and send the invoices to your accounts payable department. Keeping your relationships with your law firms strong is one reason to not make them be the “squeaky wheel” to get paid. Another is that it is highly inefficient to have to track down invoices every time the law firms call wondering where their payment is. These types of systems also allow you to flag and enforce your billing guidelines automatically, something that will help control costs and that tends to get missed when the invoices really start coming in. If bills are only being paid to the squeaky wheel, you don‘t know where a given invoice is at a given time, or your invoice volume has gotten so heavy you‘re no longer properly reviewing invoices and enforcing billing guidelines, it's time to get an e-billing system.

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