White paper

Cybersecurity basics for in-house counsel

Help your organization manage cyber risks by bridging the understanding gap between IT and the C-suite

As learned from the 2021 State of Corporate Law Departments Report, safeguarding the business took top priority as an area of focus for in-house counsel, but mitigating cyber risk proves difficult when lawyers lack basic technical knowledge needed to understand and manage business vulnerabilities. The current landscape of heightened customer expectations and fast-changing data privacy and security laws and regulations at federal, state, and local levels only compounds their challenge and confusion.

Conversely, technology and systems experts typically find themselves operating from a defensive position when policies and procedures aren’t properly developed, legally compliant, well-communicated, or consistently enforced.

Bringing legal and tech together, speaking different languages, heightens the potential for blind spots in their increasingly crucial collaborative effort to protect the business.

This whitepaper seeks to provide in-house counsel with:

  • Critical knowledge for getting up to speed,
  • An understanding of the technical and legal risks affecting their business,
  • An urgency for in-house counsel to bridge the C-suite and IT, and
  • An opportunity to access standard tools and resources

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