Account Reconciliation Report

Run an Account Reconciliation Report

To view a more detailed billing history for your account, you can obtain an Account Reconciliation Report. This report is designed to help you better understand your account status.
The Account Reconciliation Report contains detailed information for a designated time period about how payments and credits have been applied to your account, the charges billed to your account each month, and any outstanding credits and charges that make up your ending account balance.
  1. Sign in to the self-service portal.
  2. From the account's home page, select
    Reports & Alerts
    and select
    Account Reconciliation
    If you manage multiple accounts, select
    Account Reconciliation
    located within the Reports & Alerts section on the dashboard.
  3. Select
    Run Report
  4. Select
    Last Year Calendar Month
    YTD This Year
    , or
    Select a Date Range
    and enter your own specific date range in the Start Date and End Date fields.
  5. Select to include a copy of the Customer Guide to the Account Reconciliation Report, which outlines the account reconciliation report format, and select
  6. Verify the information on the Submit On-Demand Report page is accurate for the report you are requesting and select

Read an Account Reconciliation Report

Take note of the timeframe the report covers. This can be found on each page and will be labeled as the Reconciliation Period.
  • Section 1 will include any payments and credits applied to your account.
  • Section 2 will include any invoices charged to your account.
  • Section 3 is your balance detail and will include a list of all credits and charges for the designated timeframe.


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