Law books shipping information

Free shipping

Every in-stock order shipped within the United States includes free ground shipping. If you select this option, your order ships from Thomson Reuters within 1-2 business days and arrives within 7-10 days from the carrier.
Past-due accounts and other credit issues may delay your order.

Additional shipping options

There are 5 available shipping options for orders shipped to an address in the U.S.:
  • Free Ground Shipping
  • Priority Next-Day
  • Priority Second-Day
  • U.S. First Class Mail
  • Priority Saturday Delivery (not available for online orders)
There are 2 available shipping options for orders shipped to an address outside the U.S.:
  • International Best Rate
  • International Courier (UPS)
Orders with standard ground shipping are shipped from our facility within 4 business days.
Charges for shipping using all other delivery methods depend on the shipping method selected and the total weight of your order.
Estimated shipping dates are based on destination address, product availability, and if you're a Thomson Reuters Westlaw customer.
When will your order ship?
For existing customers, expedited orders for in-stock items placed by 2:30 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday ship from our facility on the same day. Expedited orders placed after that time, or on weekends or U.S. holidays, ship the next business day.
Orders with standard ground shipping depart from our facility within 4 business days.

Address tips and help

To avoid unnecessary delays in receiving your shipment:
  • If paying by credit card, verify your billing address matches the address on your monthly credit card or bank statement.
  • Don’t combine information that should be entered into separate fields. If information doesn’t apply, leave the field blank.
  • Avoid using non-English characters and other symbols.


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