Estimated sales tax on your order

Sales tax is charged in all U.S. state jurisdictions. If you're exempt from sales tax, submit state-required documents to add to your account.
Sales tax calculates based on several criteria:
  • Destination address
  • Type of product
  • Identity of the buyer
  • If your purchase is for educational purposes in these states: AZ, CT, KY, MN, MS, MO, NJ, NV, NY, ND, SC, VA, and WV.
The estimated sales tax calculated may differ from the final sales tax charges. Sales tax calculates using the total selling price that includes item-level shipping and handling charges, discounts, and an allocation of order-level shipping/handling charges and discounts.

Exempt from sales tax

To be exempt from sales tax, send us a copy of your sales tax-exempt certificate or form. For example, New Jersey law requires completion of the ST-16 form for tax-exempt purchases for educational purposes.
Use this form to send us your documentation.

Refunds for sales tax

If proper documents have been submitted to us for a sales tax-exempt status, use this form to ask for a refund for sales tax charged to your account.


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