
New timeline feature on Dockets

Find what you need even faster

With Dockets on Westlaw Edge, you can already retrieve the most current version of court dockets directly from the court to help manage your cases, grow your client base, and research litigation strategies—all from an easy-to-use interface. New enhancements now add greater efficiency to your research by limiting the need to page through dockets to find key information.

With the latest enhancements to Dockets, you can:

  • See key litigation events on the new Timeline tab
  • View Motions and Outcomes from Litigation Analytics in a graphical display at the top to quickly find important filings
  • Navigate through the tabs along the top of the chart to view litigation events by motion type, party, attorney, filing role, or outcome

Narrow in on what matters most

Additionally, you can drill down into subsets of the larger data set to get a more granular look at information that is relevant to your case by using the “select” icons within the chart, or by utilizing the new filtering capabilities.

You can now filter by:

  • Motion type
  • Motion outcome
  • Case event
  • Filing role
  • Party
  • Attorney
  •  Law firm
  •  Order date

Better serve your clients

With these features on Dockets, you can improve your research efficiency and better inform your clients by being able to quickly identify key litigation events, ensure you don’t miss important information, and understand what happened in the past that impacts your case.

Get the most out of your Dockets experience