CLEAR features
Resolve your investigative challenges quickly
Identify fraud risks and accelerate investigations through powerful CLEAR features
Access exclusive features and functionality to speed up investigations.
Alert Center
Streamline batch and desktop alert management with enhanced ways to collaborate on alerts, view statistics, and manage alert lists — all in one intuitive interface.
Quick analysis flags
Easily evaluate if additional investigation is warranted on an individual or company with a checklist of adverse indicators.

Associate analytics
Discover relatives and associates connected to an individual. This user-friendly table indicates any adverse past and relevant ties with your search subjects.
Flexible data delivery
Desktop, API, and batch options are available to meet your data needs — whether you need to utilize an intuitive interface, conduct bulk searching, or integrate data into your organization’s existing system.
Efficiently generate comprehensive reports on individuals and businesses. Report sections are fully customizable, allowing you to include relevant information and save templates for future use.
Comprehensive information to help mitigate fraud and bolster your investigations.

Risk Analysis Summary
Skillfully combining GenAI with premium CLEAR data, this new business report option provides concise insights into corporations and organizations of interest. Its easily digestible overview of key points and web presence streamlines investigations and due diligence.
Real-time incarceration and arrest records
Incorporate the most complete network of available data, including booking records with access to a live arrest and incarceration gateway.

Global beneficial ownership
Quickly understand the ownership and control of international corporate entities to help determine the risks involved with businesses during investigations.
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Thomson Reuters is not a consumer reporting agency and none of its services or the data contained therein constitute a “consumer report” as such term is defined in the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. sec. 1681 et seq. The data provided to you may not be used as a factor in consumer debt collection decisioning; establishing a consumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing; or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. By accessing one of our services, you agree not to use the service or data for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.