Westlaw Precision with CoCounsel features
The fastest way to find what you need
Accelerate your legal research with innovative tools that help you access relevant case results in record time
The power of precision
New capabilities deliver advanced speed and accuracy, providing you with greater confidence in your research.

AI-Assisted Research
Harness the power of generative AI to make better-informed decisions for your legal research. Gain access to high-quality answers generated only from Westlaw content — known to be the most comprehensive and accurate — so you can complete the remainder of your research efficiently and with greater confidence.

Claims Explorer
Use generative AI to simplify your claims research. Whether you are identifying claims, counterclaims, or risks to a client, this tool can help you find the strongest arguments for your matter and avoid missing those relevant to your case.

Quick Check
Rely on this intelligent document analysis tool enhanced with GenAI to help detect mischaracterizations and omissions with case quotations. The report also includes recommendations for additional relevant authority, warnings for cited authority, and a table of authorities.

AI Jurisdictional Surveys
Streamline the process of creating comprehensive and up-to-date surveys of the law using generative AI. Start with a search query and, in minutes, have a solid starting point in every jurisdiction you need to research.

Precision Research
Discover important case attributes with Precision Research, enabling you to search, filter, and browse more efficiently. Run a search that gathers all the potentially relevant cases, then filter your results by legal issue, fact pattern, motion type, outcome, and more.

KeyCite Cited With
Find connections between cases that would traditionally be difficult to uncover. KeyCite Cited With allows you to quickly identify related cases that have a pattern of being cited together, even if neither cites the other.

Outline Builder
Quickly and easily build outlines without needing to leave Westlaw Precision with CoCounsel. Open Outline Builder side by side with a document while researching, then drag and drop important text or citations directly into your outline.

KeyCite Overruled in Part
Identify the specific point of law invalidated in a case to ensure you don't miss other valid points of law. Look for a red-striped flag to indicate that a case has been overruled in part.

Keep List/Hide Details
Save potentially useful cases and hide cases you don’t want to inadvertently re-review. Selections persist across multiple searches to make your research even more efficient.
Additional research tools
Tools such as intelligent document analysis, a powerful legal search engine, and integrated litigation analytics can help you expedite legal research tasks that were once incredibly complex and time consuming.

Litigation Analytics
View relevant data-driven insights on judges, courts, attorneys, law firms, damages, and case types so you can better manage client expectations and build the strongest case strategy.
KeyCite Overruling Risk
Quickly determine when a point of law has been implicitly undermined based on its reliance on an overruled or otherwise invalid prior decision.
WestSearch Plus
Save time digging through results lists and complete your research with confidence. WestSearch Plus uses advanced AI to surface the information you need right to the top of your results.
Statutes Compare & Regulations Compare
Refine your legal research with the ability to instantly see the most recent changes to a statute or regulation and compare any two versions.
Exclusive editorial and content enhancements
Leverage proprietary editorial enhancements and content designed to help you find the legal information you need quickly and confidently.

Key Number System
The master classification system of U.S. case law for over 100 years helps you to easily find and move between relevant cases, addressing a specific point of law in any jurisdiction.
Instantly verify whether a case, statute, regulation, or administrative decision is still good law with the industry’s most complete, accurate, up-to-the-minute citation service.
Rely on concise summaries of the points of law addressed in a case, written by attorney-editors, to quickly review the facts, holding, and relevance to your legal issue.
Notes of Decisions
Connect brief summaries of important cases to the statute or regulation they interpret with Notes of Decisions so you can quickly understand the most current interpretation of the law.
Primary law
Access state and federal case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, and administrative materials.
Secondary sources
Explore an unmatched collection of analytical materials, including Wright & Miller Federal Practice and Procedure, Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.), Causes of Action (COA), law reviews, journals, and more.
Litigation materials
Leverage a comprehensive collection of litigation materials, including briefs, pleadings, motions, memoranda, dockets, and more.
Know your legal research is complete with Westlaw Precision with CoCounsel
Have questions? Contact a representative.
Human expertise
You can trust that your research is supported by real people with real-world legal experience, extensive training, and passion for serving the legal community.
Our bar-admitted attorney-editors analyze, categorize, and summarize the law, creating editorial enhancements to help you research more efficiently and with greater accuracy.
Reference Attorneys
The industry’s premier team of legal research support professionals is available 24/7 to keep your research moving forward. Every reference attorney is a bar-admitted legal research expert with a deep understanding of our solutions.
Questions about Westlaw Precision with CoCounsel? We're here to support you.
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