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- To benefit from AI, lawyers must recognize it

How to spot AI in life and in the law
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in our lives. From intelligent voice assistants to self-driving cars, AI technology is becoming more integrated into everyday life. But what about its applications in the legal system? This article explores the potential of AI to revolutionize legal practice through automation and improved decision making. For all the buzz surrounding the topic — not to mention the virtual ink spilled explaining it — many people still have trouble recognizing examples of AI and understanding its impact on the practice of law. Read on to learn more about the benefits of AI in life and law — and why legal AI is such an essential tool for today's lawyers.
‘’Smart’’ technology and AI – what is the difference?
Robot vacuums and digital personal assistants are commonplace. Car shopping nowadays includes choosing from features like adaptive cruise control and lane assist. But are these capabilities actual artificial intelligence or simply more sophisticated, modern versions of the same “if, then” statements computers have used all along?
Clarifying the fuzzy boundary between “smart” technology and AI is important. Confusion about AI limits our ability to place the technology in its proper context and understand how it might fit into our daily lives.
Think of the distinction this way: smart devices use AI to provide minor convenience, but powerful AI applications unlock the potential to do more than was previously possible.
AI and smart devices
Think back to the first time your phone told you it was time to leave for your next appointment. You were likely well versed in creating events in your calendar app, and an old hand at navigating to a location using web-based information. But those two actions were disconnected. Getting to your next appointment on time was still mainly up to you.
Contrast that with today’s “smarter” smartphones that “know” your next appointment is starting soon, scan for driving distance or traffic patterns, and notify you when it’s time to leave. There’s a distinction there beyond app connectivity. These devices anticipate our needs and use their judgment and decision-making capabilities to recommend a departure time. This technology happens behind the scenes and it happens every day.
Artificial intelligence is how your phone knows your face, with glasses or not. It's how your car parallel parks itself better than you ever could. And it’s how a $50 smart speaker recognizes your voice, even among competing household noises.
It’s impressive, of course, but these capabilities rarely offer a one-for-one replacement for human behaviors. In truth, most people’s daily interactions with AI aren’t attempts to achieve the impossible; they’re just addressing something that is labor intensive or traditionally ignored. Smart devices are less like the robots of science fiction and more like a roommate who’s a stickler for your home energy bill — like you always knew you should be.
Recognizing AI in the legal workflow
Many of the same traits of consumer-grade AI are present in the legal workspace, but the difference is in the application and impact of the technology. Sometimes the change is small, like a faster way to do an old task. In other cases, AI unlocks the potential to see things that were previously hiding under mountains of data.
Years ago, the act of searching for online information included scouring the first page of search results before making your next move. Now, search bars anticipate your query and practically do the typing for you. Similarly, Westlaw searches execute faster and with an increased focus on answers, not only results. Your needs are anticipated, and AI-driven decisions are being made. That’s just one example. In practice, the impact of legal AI extends far beyond search.
Artificial Intelligence has come to bear on the legal industry in many ways, with advanced offerings from many major solution providers. Divining which AI has actual value is critical to managing a law firm’s financial investments and ensuring its future success.
Look for mentions of AI that allude to decision making, helpful judgment, or suggested actions. These are the applications where AI can help you exceed your current potential or gain an edge over your opponents.
Benefits of AI in the legal workflow
- Use legal research tools that analyze the decisions and behaviors of judges and other attorneys to inform your strategies.
- Identify flaws or opportunities within your work with intelligence that leverages historical data and relationships.
- Rely on document analysis tools that process both natural language and legalese, enabling you to work organically while trusting that there is a safety net beneath you.
These are just a few examples of what AI can offer to the legal workflow.
Understanding why AI matters
None of these behaviors are new to the act of practicing law. But the time and focus required for a human to execute these tasks have always been a limiting factor. Like taking good care of your home energy bill, AI enables good attorneys to become even better by doing things they would not — or could not — do on their own.
The net result? How many would you like? Improvements to the speed, efficiency, and quality of a lawyer’s work are almost trite. Faster answers and better casework aren’t a hard sell for most law firms, but they’re something nearly every business will claim.
Benefits of AI in your everyday life
What many will fail to mention is that you have to consider a quality-of-life improvement as well. That smart thermostat might lower your energy bill, but it might also make your house a bit more comfortable with less effort on your part.
It is evident that artificial intelligence has almost boundless potential in improving everyday life — from simplifying shopping experiences to transforming entire industries such as healthcare or transportation — and there's really no limit to what AI can do!
Similarly, a faster path to work you can stand behind sounds great on its own. But it might also bring more chances to leave the office on time or set off to court with a clear head. Artificial intelligence isn’t a cure-all, nor is its presence always self-evident. But as technology becomes more prevalent, attorneys who value their time and performance must learn to see it for what it is and make use of it where they can.
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