How HighQ helps solve the biggest challenges facing law firms
For many, hanging up lights around your home is a common sign of the holiday season. But imagine the frustration when, after spending hours getting everything just right, you realize your outlet can’t hold all your plugs. A power strip is an easy solution, giving you all the extra outlets that you need to plug all your lights into — and suddenly, your decorations look amazing!
What does this have to do with your law firm? Well, often there are common issues that lead to frustration, similar to having no outlets for your holiday lights. But, just like the holiday lights scenario, sometimes there is a simple solution. HighQ may be the “power strip” your firm needs to light up the room, help you get organized, and make both your employees and your clients happy.
HighQ can solve the biggest challenges facing law firms today. Here are three problems firms were experiencing, which HighQ was able to solve.
Problem 1: Enabling effective collaboration
Seamless collaboration is key to delivering cost-effective services for Swedish firm Delphi, which has 195 employees across offices in five cities. Delphi has been using HighQ since 2017 and the first thing they used it for was a platform for a new firm-wide intranet. Their old intranet system was ineffective, constantly breaking and causing productivity challenges, and HighQ revolutionized their ability to collaborate both internally and externally.
Using HighQ for their intranet also introduced Delphi to new applications for the platform, which became clear as attorneys and staff became more familiar with it. Each practice group now has a different site for more effective segmentation of information and there are sites set up to enable improved collaboration with clients, such as with secure document sharing. In addition, Delphi is making use of virtual meeting rooms, which are particularly useful when it comes to merger and acquisition transactions.
Read the full case study on how HighQ helped Delphi deliver exceptional firm-wide client service.
Problem 2: Improving client relationships
UK law firm Geldards offers a broad and varied range of services, including wills, family advice, wealth management, employment advice, tax, corporate, commercial, compliance, and more. They originally made use of HighQ for a specific client that required a document and case collaboration site but have since seen the potential of the solution in many other areas.
For example, Geldards uses data rooms for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) file sharing and collaboration, along with project management sites for planning and tracking matter status and priorities more efficiently. They have also built a unique solution for their biggest client that provides detailed insight into the work the firm is processing on its behalf. This includes a chart of key performance statistics, the number of new cases that have arrived in a particular month, and the cases that have been completed and closed.
Aside from delivering enhanced efficiency through the extranet sites, their HighQ solution gives Geldards a competitive edge when it comes to client acquisition and retention. In addition, project management sites are gaining traction with lawyers internally, helping them to keep track of caseloads and tasks.
Read the full case study on how HighQ helped Geldards solve several use cases.
Problem 3: Dealing with unanticipated challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented event that highlighted the need for greater agility and flexibility, enabled by intelligent technology solutions. When Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP) was faced with lockdown, they were challenged by the need to continue recruitment, manage assessment centers, and carry on with events, including the important summer vacation schemes which were always held as in-person events in the past.
They made use of HighQ to create a virtual summer vacation scheme as well as a virtual onboarding and recruiting scheme, including interactive sessions and workshops. The firm used HighQ’s calendar feature to allocate sessions and used collaboration sites to record and upload sessions in real time so students could refer back at any point.
In addition, they used iSheets that allow students to request virtual “coffee meetings” with key people within the firm, facilitating greater levels of collaboration. The Files function was used for dedicated storage of documents and videos, including a virtual office tour; various sessions from partners and associates; and case studies to allow students to try out some trainee work.
The success of the summer vacation scheme and the ongoing lockdown led BCLP to use HighQ to manage assessment centers virtually, including interactive sessions and cases, where candidates required secure and confidential access to specific sets of information. HighQ enabled BCLP to continue business as usual during the pandemic and deliver excellent virtual experiences.
The speed, efficiency, and user friendliness of the platform make it highly beneficial in delivering the flexible and agile solutions needed to pivot to unexpected situations and unanticipated challenges.
Solving law firm challenges
When it comes to the holiday season, putting up your lights isn’t the only problem you’re likely to encounter — and at your law firm, these three challenges are by no means an exhaustive list. HighQ is a powerful tool that can help you and your firm enhance management, streamline processes, boost innovation capabilities, and deliver a simple solution for many common problems.
Find out more about how other law firms are using HighQ.