
Legal drafting software and solutions 

Draft, prepare, and access documents quickly with solutions that help streamline your workflow

Draft with confidence

Thomson Reuters helps you avoid errors, ensure deadlines are met, and move through the drafting process with ease and assurance.

CoCounsel Drafting

Find the best starting point with a comprehensive end-to-end solution that revolutionizes your drafting process. Confidently use generative AI within your drafting workflow, quickly detect document changes, and format and finalize your documents with ease.

Learn more about CoCounsel Drafting

Judicial Chambers

Overcome common challenges in judicial management with a unique software solution that allows access to all relevant documentation. Review documents that help consider issues, draft orders, determine sentencing, and craft decisions.

Learn more about Judicial Chambers

Drafting Assistant

Reduce errors and save time with an integrated legal drafting software. Draft transactional and litigation documents faster and locate authority, check citations, and ensure accuracy.

Learn more about Drafting Assistant

Discover more about our drafting software, service, and guidance solutions