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Westlaw Edge

Legal cases
Feel confident your research is complete

Research with total confidence

Rigorous editorial process ensures every case in our caselaw collection is checked for accuracy and properly indexed, allowing you to quickly find on-point cases that address your exact point of law. Once you have the documents you need, enjoy an easy reading experience with convenient access to related materials and on-the-fly annotation.

With cases on Westlaw Edge, you can:

  • Quickly find on-point cases that address your specific legal issue with West headnotes, classifications, and synopses
  • Gain exclusive online access to the National Reporter System
  • Access U.S. Supreme Court opinions, typically in less than one hour from when they are published
  • Rely on KeyCite to quickly verify whether your case is still good law and find citing references to support your argument

WestSearch Plus on Westlaw Edge

WestSearch Plus leverages advanced AI to surface the most relevant information for your issue. Save time digging through a results list and complete your research with confidence using the next generation of legal search.

If a client contacts me and needs a quick answer, I can provide it more efficiently using Westlaw Edge.

The most intelligent legal research service ever

Westlaw Edge combines advanced artificial intelligence with 100 years of editorial enhancements to help you find answers faster and build stronger legal arguments. Plus, you can feel more confident that your research is complete with access to the most comprehensive collection of legal information. 

Discover a more confident way to research

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