Legal research tools
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Westlaw is the standard for legal research. Discover a new level of efficiency with a Westlaw subscription.
Unrivaled legal research
Westlaw Precision
Now with generative AI
Powered by trusted content, exclusive editorial enhancements, and advanced technology, Westlaw Precision allows you to conduct research faster without sacrificing confidence in your results.
AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision provides relevant answers to research questions with links to trusted Westlaw authority so you can make more well-informed decisions and complete the remainder of your research with increased efficiency.
See how the latest evolution in legal research can elevate your research.

Compare Westlaw capabilities
AI-Assisted Research
Harness the power of generative AI and more precise researching.
Precision Research
Find legally and factually similar cases faster and more effectively than ever before.
KeyCite Cited With
View related cases that have a pattern of being cited together even if neither cites the other.
KeyCite Overruled in Part
Quickly identify the specific point of law in a case that has been invalidated.
Outline Builder
Drag and drop citations and text snippets into a customizable outline while you research.
Graphical View of History
Visualize your research history with graphical displays.
Keep List/Hide Details
Save potentially useful cases and hide cases you don’t want to inadvertently re-review.
Quick Check
Find highly relevant authority that traditional research may have missed.
Litigation Analytics
Get data-driven insights on judges, courts, attorneys, law firms, and case types.
KeyCite Overruling Risk
Receive alerts when a point of law has been implicitly undermined.
WestSearch Plus
Obtain predictive research suggestions that deliver the most relevant information for your legal issue.
Statutes Compare and Regulations Compare
See how any two statutes or regulations have changed over time.
Authoritative content
Rely on premier content such as primary law, secondary sources, litigation materials, and public records.
Editorial enhancements
Leverage proprietary enhancements like the Key Number System, KeyCite, Headnotes, and Notes of Decisions.
Additional Westlaw offerings
PeopleMap on Westlaw
Find people, assets, and hidden connections faster with the premier public records search tool.
Company Investigator on Westlaw
Get fast and accessible business intelligence, eliminating hours of research while helping you make informed decisions.
Westlaw Form Builder
Streamline your drafting process with Westlaw Form Builder, the online document assembly tool you can use from anywhere.