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  2. Improve your relationship with clients


7 things you don’t know about your clients 

And what you can do to serve them

A major reason firms need to be aware of what clients are saying is that there simply isn’t much margin for error. The vast majority of firms are still struggling to address the same challenges they have been trying to tackle for years, such as how to balance practicing law with running a small business and competing against much larger firms.

Obstacles don’t make the outlook bleak, however. According to the 2019 State of U.S. Small Law Firms report from Thomson Reuters, 73% of firms say acquiring new business is a moderate or serious challenge (up from 69% two years earlier). Still, only 31% of firms have made plans to address the issue.

“7 things you don’t know about your clients: And what you can do to serve them” will help you learn:

  • How to keep an open line of communication in a digital world
  • Tips on speaking from a place of wanting to educate
  • How to make technology a larger part of your practice

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